VCU & Philip Morris
Brandi Jancaitis 0

VCU & Philip Morris

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Brandi Jancaitis 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) AND Philip Morris USA CALLING ALL VCU STUDENTS TO ACT NOW: IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR UNIVERSITY TO BE KNOWN FOR QUESTIONABLE RESEARCH PRACTICES HIGHLIGHTED IN THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE (At One University, Tobacco Money is Secret, May 22, 2008); AND IF YOU WANT YOUR UNIVERSITY TO CLARIFY WHY THEIR SCHOOL OF MEDICINE IS ACTIVELY SOLICITING PHILIP MORRIS FUNDING FOR A WOMEN\'S HEALTH CENTER TARGETING HEALTH DISPARITIES IN INFANT MORTALITY (OFTEN CAUSED BY SMOKING DURING PREGNANCY) WHEN PHILIP MORRIS MARKETS SPECIFICALLY TO AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN AND ADOLESCENTS) TAKE A STAND!! SIGN THIS PETITION!!! As a student or alumnus of VCU, you have the ultimate power, because VCU is YOUR UNIVERSITY!!!! RECLAIM IT!!! Ultimately, President Trani, Dr. Francis Macrina and Dean Jerome Strauss answer to the Board of Visitors. Tell them, with your signature below, that you are VERY CONCERNED by the events summarized above and that you believe things MUST CHANGE! Ask the Board to do more than just listen to the rhetoric from VCU leadership and instead, take the time to get the FACTS! Now is the time to appoint EXTERNAL REVIEWERS who can OBJECTIVELY investigate and inform the Board of Visitors about: 1) VCU-PM agreement cited in the NY Times with attention to why VCU guidelines were violated, what sanctions are needed and how to correct the infrastructure at VCU to ensure history will not repeat itself; AND 2) Women\'s Health Center proposal and the decision of VCU leadership to SOLICIT funding from Philip Morris (known to target ads toward African Americans in urban areas). Is this ethical Why was it not discussed with students and faculty Is this what VCU wants to be known for â


Concerned VCU Faculty, Students, and Alum

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