Maria Valencia for LIPA Human Spirit Award '07
Dear all, once again the time has come for nominations for these prizes awarded annually at the Graduation ceremony in July. The nominees for these prizes may be for any leaving student from any full-time course at LIPA. They reflect service to LIPA in any way above and beyond the call of curricular studies, so they may be for supporting fellow students through their studies, being an inpsiration to a particular peer group, service in promoting LIPA outside the confines of activity within the building, stimulating innnovation and enterprise, undertaking additional support duties in relation to LIPA activities and productions or anything else you can think of which you believe deserves recognition. The top prize is The McCartney Human Spirit Prize awarded to a student or students whose contributions are recognised widely across many sectors of the Institute's work. Obviously students may not nominate themselves, but other than that the choice is up to you. Nominations should be sent directly by e-mail to me (Nick Phillips). Additional weighting will be given when a nomination comes from a group of staff or students rather than an individual, and a small panel of staff from across LIPA is constituted to assess the nominations and make the awards. You have until MAY 31ST to make your nominations so there is plenty of time but I ask you keep this in the back of your minds during the rest of the year. Staff teams may like to inlcude it as an agenda item at a forhtcoming meeting. Thanks as ever for your particiaption in this. This statment can be changed at any time, please send some suggestions