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We Want "V" Reaction Figures!

614 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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614 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In 1985 LJN started producing a line of action figures based on the weekly series, however, this line was pulled following the cancellation of the show. Last year Super 7 and Funko began releasing a toy line called Retroactive Figures based on retro era movies and television shows, it is our hope to convince them to utilize the original prototypes produced by LJN and make these "Lost Toys A Reality"!

Please sign the petition and help us in our efforts, and maybe together we can finally get these figures from the weekly series: Diana, Shocktrooper, Donovan, Kyle and hopefully several other characters from the weekly series and the two miniseries!


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