UWI Mona - Systems Analysis & Design: HIGH FAILURE RATE

This mandatory course is irrelevant to a Marketing Major because it is all about computer science. And unlike Computer Applications it isn't even taught in a computer lab so students can have first hand experience with teacher supervision.
Throughout the semester we have done about 6 assignments. Each assignment relied on the work from the one before. Therefore if you do badly on one you're likely to do badly on all. As such you would expect for the lecturer to give us our course work grades promptly after submission.
However that was not the case, she did not mark and return our assignments during the semester. When we asked about them or complained she would say she's too busy, she has a lot to do and that we should read the notes and trust that what we did was right. When students went to the office to complain about her response they were told that nothing could be done.
On the morning of our final exam she released some of our grades. She hasn't returned the documents with the breakdown as to how much we got for each section. Then OURvle has been reset before she uploaded any more of our coursework grades.
Now, this week we check SAS to see our final grade and it would seem that 80% of the class failed by 5% or less. And this is not the first time this lecturer has had this issue.
If our assignments were being returned we would have had a better chance of at least passing!
Re-Mark and Go-Through Requests aren't open until June 20th, so what are we to do? Pay $26,000 for summer school until we get through and it is discovered that we actually passed?
This petition is just for students who did the course in Semester 2 of this year. Please share it with your classmates so we can have this resolved sooner than later.