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UVM divest from companies profiting from the occupation of Palestine

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29 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The West Bank and Gaza are under Israeli military occupation.

Our University is profiting from that occupation.

Sign the petition for UVM’s divestment from companies that profit from this illegal occupation. This petition is part of an international call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel as issued by the Palestinian civil society.

Students for Justice in Palestine (Burlington) has identified several companies that UVM invests in that have deep ties to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories and illegal Jewish settlements. As of June 30, 2010, the following companies were among the numerous others in UVM’s investment portfolio that profit from the illegal military occupation:

Lockheed Martin: is the single biggest overseas supplier for the Israeli armaments industry. It has received billions of dollars for supplying arms, including missile systems and fighter planes, to Israel. Size of UVM’s holdings: $79,900

Raytheon: is a major arms contractor to the Israeli military. It supplies Patriot, Sparrow, Sidewinder, Maverick and TOW missiles. The Maverick is a precision, air-to-ground missile that is used against small mobile and hard targets. Size of UVM’s holdings: $394,500

General Electric Corporation: GE supplies the propulsion system for Israel's AH-64 Apache Assault Helicopter, which has been used in Israeli attacks on Palestinian towns and refugee camps. Size of UVM’s holdings: $482,000

SJP-UVM endorses the 2005 Palestinian call for an international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS) against Israel.

This is a moral imperative of people of conscience to resist injustice throughout the world.

Advocate justice and peace and sign the petition for UVM’s divestment from these holdings!


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