Allowing Females To Wear Dress Pants IN USY Synagogue

In 2002, a rule was passed that stated that USY females are not to wear dress pants at USY services. The conservative movement has changed entirely in eleven years. Many of the dresses and skirts that females wear on the Sabbath are disrespectful for a synagogue atmosphere. Many people feel uncomfortable and insecure in dresses and skirts, so to be able to feel secure with what clothing you are wearing creates a better relationship with G-d as well as yourself. During conventions, there is Kitah and Chofesh, both requiring physical activity. Instead of feeling uncomfortable with little movement due to the restricting clothing, dress pants will allow females to move around more freely. Dress pants do not mean jeans, or leggings, or jeggings. They mean clearly defined dress pants which is respectable and appropriate for synagogue. Females aren't going to be forced to wear dress pants, it is simply an option given to the women who want to wear them. Thank you.