USTA League Tennis at Columbine
Brooke Wagner 0

USTA League Tennis at Columbine

70 signers. Add your name now!
Brooke Wagner 0 Comments
70 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

USTA is planning to have their competitive adult tennis league start sometime in June this year if it is deemed safe and the restrictions are lifted with new safety protocols for play in place. We are currently up against a May 1st deadline to respond to USTA as to whether each team wants to opt in or opt out of this season. The CCC Board is making a decision this week as to whether or not CCC teams should be able to participate.

There are numerous Columbine teams that participate in league play every year, and it is something about which many members are passionate. In fact, Columbine teams went to Colorado USTA Districts 10+ times last year!

Currently 100% of the 3.0 ladies (28 players) would like to play USTA league tennis if it does indeed happen in June. We have submitted a letter to the CCC Board requesting to be able to play. We also understand that many players on other teams at different levels would also like the opportunity to play league tennis at CCC.

We are aware of the inherent risks associated with playing opponents from other teams, and we are committed to fully embracing all safety standards and protocols mandated by USTA, the government, and Columbine Country Club. The captains would also plan to inform every opposing team coming on-site to CCC of our required rules with which they must comply in order to play at our facility.

We have reached out to numerous teams in our area that we typically play in USTA league tennis, and they are all opting in to play, including Highlands Ranch, Bow Mar, Ken Caryl, and Pinehurst Country Club just down the road. In fact, we have not found a team to which we have spoken that is choosing to opt out of playing. Even very large tennis facilities such as Lifetime are opting in to play starting in June if USTA decides it is safe to move forward.

We also understand from the recent letter from the President to all members on April 23rd regarding CCC golf that the club "hope[s] to enable outside guests by mid-May, depending on government regulations and course conditions" and we would like to be given the same consideration. League tennis typically brings 8 or less outside guests on-site per day, and that is if CCC is the home team. Additionally, league tennis is only played 4 evenings a week. Outside guests for golf would likely far outnumber that daily and weekly.

By signing this petition, we are stating we would like to see USTA League Tennis be made available at Columbine Country Club as soon as league play officially starts again so that individual players and teams have the choice to participate. We agree to following all safety rules and protocols regarding tennis play, as we would with any in-house CCC activities. We also feel that CCC should have an overall policy regarding all outside guests, and that tennis should be given the same consideration as golf for non-member participation on-site.

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