USPS Mail Carrier Change For Linsey Lakes And Neighboring Subdivisions
people have signed. Add your voice!

We, the citizens of Glen Allen, petition the Postmaster to change the mail carrier for Linsey Lakes and neighboring subdivisions by June 30, 2015.
The signers of this petition cite the following complaints regarding this route's mail carrier:
1) She very frequently delivers mail to the wrong address. Sometimes it's a close neighbor's mail and other times it's from a neighboring subdivision.
2) She leaves a "sorry we missed you slip" in mailboxes rather than getting out of the truck to deliver large packages to the door.
3) She has been observed ramming trash cans with her truck on multiple occasions so hard that damage has occurred to the trash can.
4) She has been observed running a stop sign and nearly hitting an adult resident while never looking up.
5) She consistently leaves mailbox doors open rather than ensuring the door is closed properly, often resulting in wet mail.
6) She stuffs over-sized mail into the box rather than delivering to the door even when the mail is clearly marked as "do not bend" resulting in physical damage or water damage due to rain.
7) She was observed passing a school bus and nearly hitting a child. When approached by a resident regarding the matter, she said that she was too busy.
8) She delivers notices or approaches residents regarding vehicles too close to the mailbox for one-off situations such as service vehicles or visitors parked in front of the house which blocks mail truck access to the mailbox.
9) She has been observed ignoring mailboxes if there is outgoing but no incoming mail.
10) She has been observed hitting a mailbox, knocking it over, try to set it back up and then drive off.
11) She has been observed using abusive language, specifically f-bombs, directed at a resident.
12) She has been observed yelling at a resident for writing "wrong address" on a mis-delivered piece of mail.
She has generated discontent among a large number of residents for the reasons stated above as well as imposing actual fear in some who have observed her more offensive infractions. We do not feel that she is a safe or effective carrier for our community.
There have been multiple individual complaints regarding this route's carrier made to the Glen Allen post office and the Postmaster in the past with no resolve. In fact, some residents feel they were just brushed off by the Postmaster. We demand that the Postmaster take action to change the mail carrier for Linsey Lakes and neighboring subdivisions by June 30, 2015.