Justin Smith 0

Officially Recognize National Beer Day

61 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Justin Smith 0 Comments
61 people have signed. Add your voice!
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There are very few times in our country's history that our government have taken away a freedom and then seen fit to give that freedom back. Beer is one such freedom.

We would like to see National Beer Day officially recognized on the floor of the US Congress. April 7th is an important date in US history and it should be treated as such. In 1933 during the prohibition era, the Cullen-Harrison Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt on March 23rd. That law was enacted on April 7th allowing the brewing and sale of beer in the United States again as long as it was < 3.2% (4% ABV).

America’s beer industry—made up of brewers, beer importers, beer distributors, brewer suppliers and retailers—directly and indirectly contributes $223.8 billion each year to the U.S. economy. The industry generates more than 1.8 million American jobs, which account for $71.2 billion in wages and benefits. And it contributed $44.7 billion dollars in the form of business, personal and consumption taxes in 2010.

Join us in signing this petition to be sent to members of Congress later this year to ask them to formally recognize this important date in US history.


Justin Smith (The Godfather of National Beer Day) www.facebook.com/USNationalBeerDay


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