Using The Bathroom Is Your Right, Not A Privilege!

Have you ever had to go to the bathroom while sitting in class and the teacher wouldn't let you go? If you
answered “yes“, then read on!
Using the bathroom is something that we all gotta do. In fact, it is a basic human need like eating,
breathing and sleeping that keeps us alive and healthy. Yet, how many times in school have you been forced
to "hold it"?
What about adults who go to work and school? Are they allowed to use the bathroom? The parts of the
government that deal with labor laws say yes. Labor laws state that employers must allow workers to use the
bathroom. In the past, workers have sued employers that refused to allow them to use the bathroom. The courts
ruled in their favor.
Being denied the right to use the bathroom can cause many health risks, and is an infringement of our human rights.
My body my choice, my bladder my voice.
Let us pee!