Using Synchrony (GEMB/GE Capital) Accounts with Mint/Quicken (Intuit)
Are you one of the many frustrated Mint/Quicken (Intuit) users that has accounts with Synchrony (formally GE Money Bank [GEMB] / GE Capital) that you cannot access with the service? This has been going on for 5+ years now. Many of us have been asking for updates from both sides and we either get no response or a canned response. Some examples are this "canned response" from Synchrony:
"At GE, it is our priority to protect your personal information. At this time, mint.com does not currently meet GE's security standards and protocols. For this reason, we do not support direct interaction with that website. Please be assured that we are working with several companies to design a secure process to ensure you have uninterrupted, convenient access to your billing information. It is our pleasure to offer you paperless statements and electronic payment options at no cost on our credit website."
This has been observed in many threads as the exact same response to all users. Also here are some responses from Intuit:
"Trayceeover 4 years ago
I wanted to post a quick update to let you know we are still working to resolve the issues with GEMB. Thank you for your patience - we look forward to being able to updated you with good news regarding this issue soon!
and most recently:
"Update: 3-21-14
After much back and forth, GEMB refuses to lift the block on our aggregation efforts to let Mint work with its cards as they believe our “Ways to Save” advice could be competitive in nature. Being GE customers ourselves, we’d love your support in getting GE to change its ways. Please contact the contact them direct via the phone number on the back of your credit card or on Twitter at @GoGECapital.
We’ll continue to keep you posted on any progress we make."
There has not been any progress and both parties state that they are working on solutions or processes. With today's technology, it does not take 4+ years to work this out.
The premise behind this petition is to voice your support for having aggregated data access from your GE Capital account data to Intuit. We are asking that both parties come to the table and work out a solution immediately so that people have the ability to better manage their credit and money.
Furthermore, if one party is refusing to work with the other, then the party being refused support shall present tangible data and evidence to support that to the community of users to gather much needed support. From an outside looking in perspective, no one can tell who is or is not working on this. The appearance is that neither party is actually working on it or have any interest to do so.
If you are in agreement with this petition and would like to see both GE Capital and Intuit come to the table and work this out, please sign this petition to support sending a message to both parties involved.
Update 2015-03-22: In the last two months we have received as many signatures as in the first 8-10. If everyone were to share this on Twitter and Facebook, we could get to a large number of people quickly. So, please be sure to share this petition on Facebook, Twitter, by email, or on a blog by using the "Spread the word" tools to the right. The goal to get a lot of support is quite high, although with the number of Mint users and GE Card holders it is achievable, and we need to get the word out. Only then can we really make a difference.
Update 2015-04-13:There is some new traction starting to take place, more names and comments per day than before. The word is spreading. Help us spread that word!
Update 2015-06-08: Today we hit 2500 signatures, 10% of the goal. This great! Thanks to those that have signed. At the same time, we should be able to get 25,000+ signatures quickly, it will require this to be shared by everyone. It appears that the number of shares from the site is actually only 24, that is less than 1%. If we want to get some traction, we need to share this anywhere and everywhere we can. There are a lot of people that are Mint users and Synchrony customers who are not aware that they cannot use those cards until they try to and then they have now idea that there is a lot of others that are also frustrated. I would ask that everyone share this on Twitter, Facebook, email, etc to get the message out there.
IMPORTANT UPDATE 2015-08-25: As of today at around 3pm ET, this has been resolved and is working. Here is a the post in the Intuit Community site:
Resolved: Our engineers have confirmed that the connection for GE Capital Bank and Synchrony has been reestablished and users are now able to reconnect these accounts to Mint. If you are still experiencing any errors when trying to reconnect your GE Capital Bank or Synchrony accounts to Mint please contact our Mint Chat Support for further assistance.
This is very exciting and everyone should be delighted with the outcome. I have tested my accounts and they are all now working.
Thank you for all your support. I'm sure that people here and at other locations have helped to get this resolved. I will be closing this petition at this time.