A veteran is a veteran: regardless of branch, length of service, peacetime or wartime, combat or non-combat, service-connected injury or no service-connected injury. A veteran is a veteran: whether active duty, honorably discharged, retired, national guard, or reserve. A veteran is a veteran: someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to and including my life." A veteran is a veteran: someone who, upon return to civilian life, deserves recognition, appreciation, and support in any and all ways, especially the following: 1. Veteran Exemptions a. Federal Income Tax b. Federal License/Permit Fees 2. Veteran Benefit Extensions for Life a. VA Health Care b. GI Education c. Post Exchange (PX) Privileges 3. Additional Veteran Retirement Homes 4. Additional National Cemeteries 5. Additional VA Health Service Centers & Clinics 6. Additional VA Health Service Mobile Units 7. Additional Vet Centers 8. Additional Vet Courts 9. Additional Homeless Vet Domiciliaries 10. Veteran Economic Stimulus a. $1,000. Bonus per Veteran b. Real Estate Purchase Preferences (for all categories of realty) (1) Minimum credit score (2) Minimum down payment (3) Minimum interest rate (4) Minimum 30-year payout c. Veteran Owned Business Preferences (1) Exemption from all License and Permit Fees (2) Tax Incentives (3) Incentives for training and hiring Veterans d. Moratorium on home foreclosures while on active duty and one (1) year after discharge. 11. Additional Mandates, Programs, and Funding for Workforce Education Training a. More Certification of veterans as Veteran Peer Support Technicians to service veterans b. More Certification of veterans as Healthcare Specialists to service veterans c. More Certification of veterans as Mental Health Specialists to service veterans d. "Test-free" Civilian Certification for military occupational skills in commercial driving, electronics, mechanics, welding, and other "trades". 12. Mandatory 15% surcharge on all military funding for a Veterans Trust Fund. Please Support Our Veterans by signing this Petition NOW! Thanks! Tony the Vet cell: 619.806.2075