URGENT: Traffic Light needed at the corner of Morrison and Sepulveda.

Dear Council Member Tom LaBonge and Senior Transportation Engineer Brian Gallagher,
A traffic light is urgently needed for safety reasons and to improve traffic flow at Sepulveda and Morrison in Sherman Oaks.
As you know, there
is an existing Cal-Trans traffic light at the Sepulveda exit of the 101
freeway. Less than 500 feet north of the traffic light, Morrison, a
short dead end street that is home to many businesses and a middle
school (Ivy Bound Academy) has a substantial amount of traffic causing
safety concerns and traffic flow problems.
The back up of Southbound traffic on Sepulveda creates a situation where cars are not able to exit Morrison. We
urgently request that a traffic light be installed by LA-DOT that ties
in with the Cal-Trans traffic light to provide safe, organized access to
and from Morrison.
On August 22, 2012 DOT attempted to solve the problem with Turn Restriction Signs. This further exacerbated the problem by forcing ALL Morrison traffic
towards the busiest morning intersection in the Valley (Sepulveda &
Ventura). This caused MORE congestion and less safety so the signs were
At this point there are no viable solutions other than a traffic light, and time is running out.
There is a huge construction project, Il Villaggio Toscano, slated to break
ground one block south of Morrison that will be further impede
southbound traffic on Sepulveda.
A traffic light is URGENTLY needed now before the problem becomes even worse and even more dangerous.
Thank you for your quick resolution to this problem.
Caltrans District 7, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties
100 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
District Director - CARRIEBOWEN
Public Information: (213)897-3656