URGENT Stop Chemical Spraying at THE POCKET

The Farm at 446 The Pocket Road, The Pocket as advised their tenants they will be spraying the Macadamia Trees Plantation this year starting on the week of the 26th of July 2021. The spraying of harsh chemicals pesticides presents cross contamination risks to neighbouring properties through the water supply (from droplets on the roofs), as well as wildlife, river system (Marshalls creek runs through the property) and exposure to children at The Pocket School on which is located 800 meters away from the farm. The farmer has disclosed he will be using the following chemicals on the first course of spraying:
Toxicity in Humans
The EPA classifies acephate as a "possible human carcinogen."
- Symptoms appear rapidly if the organophosphates are inhaled, somewhat slower if ingested, and more delayed following dermal exposure. Symptoms from organophosphates can become apparent within minutes to hours after exposure, depending on the exposure route.
- Symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness and confusion. Incident reports to the EPA about exposure to acephate containing pesticides were most frequently associated with gastrointestinal, neurological, respiratory, or dermal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, tremors, tachycardia, sweating, disorientation, coughing, wheezing, congestion, and pneumonia. Skin irritation and reactions such as swelling, hives, redness, and rashes have also been reported.
- Overexcitation of central nervous system from organophosphates may result in moodiness or agitation, confusion, lethargy, weakness, convulsions, incoordination, memory loss, cyanosis or coma. When the muscarinic receptors are over-excited in the parasympathetic nervous system, cholinergic signs and symptoms including abdominal cramps and diarrhea, hypersecretion, urination, tightening of the bronchi, decreased or increased heart rate, and miosis may occur. Severe exposures to acephate can cause respiratory paralysis and death.
- Children can experience different symptoms than adults if exposed to organophosphates, including seizures, lethargy, and coma, flaccid muscle weakness, miosis and excessive salivation.
Toxicity in the enviroment
Acephate is moderately toxic to birds, depending on the species. Acephate-related health effects in wild birds are reduced eggs, egg hatching, and hatchling survival, and possibly disrupted migratory patterns.
Acephate is slightly toxic to fish and amphibians. After high exposures, salamander hatchlings had decreased growth, activity, and feeding, and increased muscle and spinal column deformities. Acephate is a broad-spectrum insecticide and is highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects.
Custodia Fungicide
Toxicity in Humans
It is noted that Custodia is harmful to human organs or systems, and is acutely toxic when ingested. Another study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2007 showed that this fungicide may permanently silence or reprogram normal genes, which can last for several generations.
Toxicity in the Environment
According to a 2012 study published in the Ecology Letters, the fungicide chlorothalonil -- the most commonly used synthetic fungicide in the United States -- is toxic for aquatic animals such as tadpoles, oysters and fish, when chemical run-off from plants contaminates nearby water or groundwater. A group of fungides that includes copper sulphate are toxic to bees, and wild birds and livestock have been poisoned by crop seeds treated with mercury-based fungicides.
Furthermore the farm has informed his tenants that there is likely to be 2 to 3 courses of spraying throughout 2021.