The Lago Mar Civic League Board has unanimously voted to OPPOSE the appeal and variance request brought by the owners of 2221 Vadito Way, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 to use a pool house as a dwelling unit (i.e. Bed and Breakfast, Short term rental, Airbnb). WE ARE ASKING YOU, OUR NEIGHBORS TO HAVE A VOICE TOO. THIS CAN DECREASE OUR PROPERTY VALUES AND THE INTERGRETY OF OUR BELOVED NEIGHBORHOOD.
The Lago Mar neighborhood is in the R-15 Residential District. Attached Dwellings, Duplex Dwellings and Semidetached Dwellings are prohibited in this Residential District. Further, detached guest houses are not allowed as an accessory use or structure in the R-15 Residential District.
Our concern here is the negative impact already occurring in the neighborhood, including increased traffic, speeding, event parties and potential safety concerns to our neighbors. Please join us by signing this petition to let all parties know that we, the neighbors insist that the Virginia Beach City Ordinances be upheld and our neighborhood is protected.
There will be a Public Hearing on October 4 at 2:00. We will be posting updates on our website. www.lagomarcivicleage.com.