Gulam Teladia 0

Urge the Council to reduce the proposed 55% increase to burial costs in Birmingham from April 2019

5561 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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5561 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear Residents of Birmingham,

This is to inform you that Birmingham City Council have proposed an increase for burial and cremation fees from 1st April 2019, the main increase will be the cost of Internment (burial) – which is increasing from £681 to £1054, this fee is separate from the grave cost which can start from £2,247. This represents a 55% increase to the Internment Fees. Birmingham City Council plan to implement this new charge from 1st April 2019.

BMBC (Birmingham Muslim Burial Council) is a charity organisation which has helped and represented the Community for the last 12 years with all aspects of burials, We aim to improve services within hospitals, GP surgeries, Coroner’s office, Registry office and Funeral Directors. We have already done a great deal of work bringing together many professionals & stake holders to make the whole process better for the bereaved families.

The new proposal from Birmingham City Council has come to our attention with limited time to reply. We would like your support to petition against these significant price increase especially at a time of austerity. The increased cost will result in many difficulties for families who struggle to meet the cost of a burial in Birmingham which already is one of the highest in UK.

Please help and support the petition by signing on the line:)

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