Kelly Gambrill 0

Uphold Staff Recommendations - and DENY Z-52

80 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kelly Gambrill 0 Comments
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Centric Development, LLC is proposing a Supported Residential Senior Living (RSL) on the west side of Ernest Barrett Pkwy, south of Zachary Woods Drive. The proposed two story building is 85,484 sq. feet and will contain 142 units (which equals 15.46 units per acre density). The facility will have 79 employees.

The estimated number of units (homes) that could be developed currently is approximately 16 units.

The project area is in the immediate vicinity of documented Civil War trenches and an archeological field survey performed by a cultural resource profession should be considered.

In order for the applicant to develop the supportive RSL at this location, Centric Development, LLC is requesting the following variances (non-adherence) to code:

1. Allowance of 142 units in Low Density Residential future land use category over the maximum 100 units when located in the otherwise permitted Neighborhoods Activity Center category.

2. Allow supportive RSL in Low Density Residential.

Cobb County Staff has recommended DENIAL based on the following:

A. It is Staff’s opinion that the applicant’s rezoning proposal will not permit a use that is suitable in view of the use and development of adjacent and nearby properties. Nearby and immediately adjacent properties are developed for single-family residential uses including subdivisions with densities complying with their LDR low density residential future land use category – Zachary Woods to the north and west (approx. 2.12 upa) and Anderson Estates south of the property (2.5 upa). Immediately adjacent to the south of the subject property is a single-family residence on 5.2 acres.

B. It is Staff’s opinion that the applicant’s rezoning proposal will have an adverse affect on the usability of adjacent or nearby property. Institutional uses such as the proposed two-story senior care facility are out of character with other single-family residential uses. While the applicant proposes the Code-required buffering around the perimeter and is keeping the facility pushed forward within the site, the use itself is more intense that the surrounding neighborhoods. This is evidenced by the requirements of the Code including aforementioned buffereing.

C. It is Staff’s opinion that the applicant’s rezoning proposal will not result in a use which would cause an excessive or burdensome use of the existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools. This opinion can be supported by the departmental comments contained in this analysis.

D. It is Staff’s opinion that the applicant’s rezoning proposal is not in conformity with the policy and intent of the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan which delineates this site to be LDR low density residential. The Code envisions RSL senior living facilities of the supportive type proposed to be located with regional activity centers, community activity centers, or neighborhood activity centers in order to act as a “cut-off” for non-residential uses found within these activity centers and to serve as a transition to residential uses adjoining activity centers. Rather, the subject property us within a residential area removed from the nearest activity center. The Plan calls for this type of LDR property to be developed for low density housing between 1-2.5 units per acre or even non supportive senior living housing that may reach up to five (5) units per acre while providing compatibility with adjacent residential uses.

E. It is Staff’s opinion that there are existing and changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property which give supporting grounds for denying the applicant’s rezoning proposal. The proposed development is of the supportive senior facility type that is incompatible with the property’s future land use designation of LDR low density residential, encouraged to be within either a regional activity, community activity, or neighborhood activity center. The proposed development, while providing for the Code-required buffers, is of a more intense use than surrounding single-family uses and development with its 84,484 square foot two-story facility and the proposed 142 units is considerably over the Code-allowed 100 units even if the property were located with a NAC neighborhoods activity center.

Based on the above analysis, Staff recommends DENIAL.

As signer of this petition – you are requesting the Cobb County Planning Commission and Cobb County Board of Commissioners, based on Staff analysis and recommendations, to deny this rezoning application.

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