Upgrade the broadband lines for G32 6DX area.

As part of the newly built Eastfields estate, you would expect us to have half decent broadband as it is now a day to day thing to use whether you work at home or just browse the internet at random. Downloading music, streaming Youtube links, more than two computers connected at the same time in the Eastfields estate just doesn't cope well with the pitiful 1mb speeds which most of us are receiving. Our BT Exchange is Bridgeton and our cabinet that supplies us with phone and broadband is cabinet 75. Our Exchange has been upgraded to FTTC quality, Fibre Optic to everyone, yet the cabinet is in dire need of renewal and the cabling from the cabinet is in need of upgrading too but this all costs cash which BT wont see a point of unless they see a lot of signatures wanting this changed. Sign the petition now so we can try and urge BT to upgrade our broadband speeds. Fibre optic roll out is saying July is an optimistic date but our cabinet won't be upgraded because of cash constraints. This Petition can change that. Thanks