Upcoming Third Grade

Dear Sheehan Parents,
Pursuant to the last Sheehan PTA meeting held on March 23, in which Mrs. Evans mentioned the low numbers for incoming kindergarten students, we, the parents of second graders at the Sheehan School, are asking that the school's leadership seriously consider adding a fourth classroom for our rising third graders.
Mrs. Evans stated in the event of only two kindergarten classes for the for the upcoming school year, 2017-2018, a Sheehan teacher would not be at risk for losing his/her job.
We ask that arrangements be made to use this situation as an opportunity to address overcrowding in the current second grade classrooms.
The size of this grade is an anomaly, and while we appreciate that attempts have been made to address our concerns, we see the possibility of an open classroom, and available teacher, as being an obvious, as well as optimal, solution.
For those of us with older students, we understand there is a huge transition between second and third grade. We fear that if the current classroom ration (23/24 students/class) continues, our children will be unfairly disadvantaged, compared to their siblings and their peers, simply based on the year of their birth.
We look forward to hearing back from you on this issue.
Sincerely, and with much appreciation for all that you do.