UofL explores termination of Chick-fil-A contract

The University of Louisville is looking to remove Chick-fil-a from the SAC due to their President and COO, Dan Cathy, speaking his OPINION, which had no correlation to his business activities. If these proceedings move forward, then I can guarantee I will never donate a dime back to the university, participate in alumni events, or share praise about my time at UofL to others. Further, this will also be the last year I buy season Football tickets, or any sporting ticket for that matter. While I was an undergrad, I was constantly reminded that "it's happening here," and that I had the right to express my opinion, stand up for my beliefs in the face of opposition, and was taught the importance of differentiating "personal beliefs" with that of "business beliefs/endeavors." The University of Louisvilles "review" of their exisiting contract with Chick-fil-a is a direct contradiction to everything I was taught and had instilled in me for four years by the faculty. After reading this article, I am ashamed to call myself a UofL alumni. UofL certainly doesn't have to agree with the opinion of Chick-fil-a, but it's also not their place to teach one course of behavior in the classroom and not check themselves at the door before taking on their own personal endeavors.
This is not a matter of my nor The University of Louisvilles nor Dan Cathys personal view towards the situation currently in the media, this is a matter of a public University exploring termination of a contract or denial of its renewal based on the personal religious beliefs of a business owner, a belief that is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America. We can not allow a precedent to be set which violates the integrity of one of our contries most sacred documents and the foundation of what our contry was built on, freedom. include in that, the freedom of speech. Please join me as i sign my name below to let my alma mater know that we will not support a University who uses any protected classes opinions as a basis to determine whether or not their business is worthy to have a presence on that Universities campus.