Unpatch the Healing Bow!!!
Bring Back the Healing Bow! 0

Unpatch the Healing Bow!!!

24 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Bring Back the Healing Bow! 0 Comments
24 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Like many others, I believe that the patch that made it so that the healing bow didn't work outside of dungeons was unjust and unfair. The healing bow brought new, interesting content to Hypixel Skyblock and then admins patched it. It gave thousands of people something to look forward to but then the admins patched it. The admins look to do the best things for the community, but this wasn't one of them! Unfortunately, the admins won't listen so in collaboration with Healing Bow himself I've made this petition to help send a message to admins that an item they believe is annoying, stupid, or harassment inducing is actually something vastly appreciated by the server. So please sign this petition and we together could bring the Healing Bow back to the server!

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