Unjust Sentencing
I'm bringing to your attention case #2017-1790 State of Ohio vs Terrance T. Lewis. First the sentening, Terrance was sentence to twenty years for his first offense with law, he physically hurt no one, carried a CCW, and in this case was defending himself against persons that were provoking him a long way down a road, then using there car as a weapon while he was riding a motocycle!
Terrance then was made aware his representation knows her mother, is/was in a conspiracy with the person that informed detectives that it was Terrance riding that night(because with an helmet on unless you know the person you can not see there face). Which explains why his representation didn't research to find that the "so called victims"! Has a history of provoking black men on the road/at the store, to the court. Which may have helped the hung jury! Along with Terrance seeing his mother get beaten and repeatedly stomped in the head at only seven years old.
When Terrance called 911,at seven, and sat with me and followed instructions from the operator. It seems like Terrance did better than the "so called victims" it being the scariest thing that happen to them! On the 911 call the night of the shooting!
I'm not asking that this matter be erased. But, twenty years clearly shows Terrance was sentence as if him being provoked didn't matter, his CCW didn't matter, Most importantly Terrance maintaining all that time after going threw the traumatic event he experienenced, didn't matter. Terrance has been in situations over time,(hit while riding at the fault of another in 2012), and Terrance had STAYED STRONG!
Your riding a motocycle you've had things happen in life but you're maintaining, riding actually helps free your mind and you enjoy it. A driver in a car, a lane over appears upset. You and that driver may have said words or made gestures. Then the driver does an assured clear distance, while putting you in a fearful state! You would grab your cell phone to try and call 911, but there's no time! There's no time to grab a rock,(as the Judge stated Terrance should have done!). Which we all have learned throwing rocks can cause jeopardy as well! This is a time unlike the other things you've experienced. So, you react to the drivers actions and get overly punishied for reacting to the actions of consistently provoking & ramming towards.
Also, defending yourself the way you were taught in training class to receive the CCW. Because, this feels like that fearful moment the instructor spoke about in the training class. When you can use your weapon.
I Appreciate your time!!!