United Methodist Youth for Change

We are United Methodist Youth concerned about the current state and future of our dying denomination. For years, this decline has been gradually getting worse and it seems that our leaders are more concerned with arguing with each other instead of addressing this significant issue; an issue that directly affects us: the future leaders of the UMC. As youth, we have felt that our voices have not been heard or wanted amidst these conversations of church renewal. Although we acknowledge the initiative put in by many leaders in the UMC to strengthen us, we have not felt the full support of the entire body. And even with the initiatives, our voice in the matters are still distant. That is why (especially after this year's General Conference) we are done sitting on the sidelines. This is what we ask of our UMC brothers and sisters: 1. More youth delegation at annual conferences and especially the next General Conference. 2. For our leaders to work together to find a common ground restructuring plan to counteract the UMC decline. 3. To 'agree to disagree' in regards to other issues that have hindered the church's ability to focus on restructuring the church. Our hope is that our UMC family will support us and implement these three points in hopes that we have a future in the UMC.