Unite and end the tyranny of Misha Collins!
Georgie Holiday 0

Unite and end the tyranny of Misha Collins!

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Georgie Holiday 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

For the second year in a row, Misha Collins and the rest of the GISHWHES staff have terrorised thousands of us into devoting six days of our lives to their insane, unfair and therapy-inducing scavenger hunt. Countless men and women have lost their minds after attempting to complete an item dreamt up by the sick and twisted minds of these people.

Enough is enough! We are the victims of GISHWHES and we have a voice. It's time to show Mr Collins and the other torturers that this has to stop, and we will not be subjected to their insanity any more.

Once we reach our signature target, we promise to take this petition straight to the top- to Mr Collins himself- to show him that we will not stand for his madness anymore.

Sign this petition to help us light the way to a calm, normal, kale-free future.


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