Lobby the Hertfordshire Business School (or maybe the whole University) to Standardise the Submission Process for Assignments

I am a final year student and I am truly fed up at the variety that Business Lecturers have for their submissions of coursework. Some want StudyNet only, some want StudyNet and Hard Copy, others want just TurnitIn, some want all three. There are also variations on what font, size, spacing, borders and even spacing after full stops. I feel that it is confusing and time wasting that there are such variation across the school. This is even more important as many modules will penalise a student 5% if things are wrong even though it could be correct for another Hertfordshire Business School Module. Some modules are asking for anonymity on coursework where as some are actively asking for our Surname in the file name. This causes confusion because a student may name the coursework wrong because they stick the rules of another module. I have heard from other students at different schools that there whole subject is standardised so why should the business school be different? Could the SU look into this variation and possibly lobby for a standardisation across the school?