Unfair examination PST311L

To whom it may concern, we the students at UNISA, who wrote PST311L on the 29th of October 2019 at 14:30 feel that the paper was unfair and we request a 2nd paper due the following reasons.
As UNISA students, who study independently, we have learned that assignment serve as a guide to examinations, they prepare us for the exams.this paper was far off, the structure and the content in our exam questions had 0% of our assignments, which led to them being completely useless.
The module itself is called economic integration in the classroom, but the paper only had one question on learners, which made the paper more like economics then teaching economic (we are teachers), we as BED undergraduates focused on the parts of the study guide which talks about teaching ecomics and integrating it in schools.
We as students who felt that the paper was unfair request a second paper because with all the hard work we put into this paper, our sleepless nights and skipping work, as most of us are currently working and going to the exam room and finding out it was all for nothing, found this paper very discouraging.
Thank you.