Fight to help pass the unemployment extension bill promptly

U.S.A stands for the United States Of America. we have been built upon a common ground so we thought. To date millions of americans are now unemployed. Many through no fault of their own. As we sit back and continue to watch the growing numbers of the unemployed grow larger and larger. it is very unfortunate that nothing is being done about it. The United States of America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. What will the state of this country be in if nothing is done about the sky rocketing unemployment rate and plumiting economy. what should be number one The people.People of the United States are in dyer need of help. The unemployment extension bill that is in place must be passed as soon as possible. Because of the hold on the unemployment extension by the US Senate, The unemployed are falling to the waste side which is couseing tramatic hardship and worse the unemployed into financial limbo. Many cannot afford food that they need to feed themselves or their family's. The people of the United States who are unemployed are becoming desperate for a change. This country would be shamed tremendously if things turned into third world country situations. We as human beings cannot afford this. That is why the american people must stand up now and do whatever possible to insure that we have what is our right. And that is to survive. We must be strong in what we are so passionate for. We also cannot afford the continuous inhumane disregard that the GOP has for the american people. We are to be heard here and and we are to be heard now. Please I beg of you. If you are among those that are unemployed and are crying out for help and change to better our country, please help out your fellow man and do what is right. Stand up let your voice be heard. Do your part. your signature counts.