Underfunded Education
We want to solve the problem of education being underfunded and not receiving the same amounts of moneys as other departments that may not be as important, such as Veteran's Benefits. Without the proper funding, education programs may not be able to sustain a well managed program. Without funding for education schools will not be able to provide their students and classrooms to make a better learning environment. We need more funding on education, which could be raised if the United States Government didn't spend over half the budget on the military. If the U.S. just doubled the education budget, it would improve conditions of schools, resources, and curriculums significantly. Education programs would be able to buy the materials needed for the 150% increase of students in the United States. Schools would be able to replenish their books, along with their facilities to give students better resources and a better learning environment, one in which a student feels he can learn efficiently and safely. If the funding for education improves, it can have vast rewards such as a better future for the youth. The education could be at a high level, and students globally would be better off. With an increase in funding towards the education department which would help provide more money to schools who are getting hundreds of more students each year. Please help spread awareness about this topic, it needs to be heard.