Ban the chaining of dogs in York Region
This petition is to prohibit the permanent chaining of dogs in York Region. The issue of dog chaining has not been adequately addressed in our municipalities and we are urging York Region's municipalities to make it a priority to develop a strong anti-chaining bylaw in York Region to protect both pets and people a like. The laws in York Region currently state that a dog may be lawfully chained permanently outside, so long as some sort of shelter is provided with a wind flap, along with proper collar, water and a minimum 5ft leash. Food does NOT have to be present but the dog has to look somewhat fed and within reasonable health. Dogs may be left unattended for an undetermined period of time, and many of these dogs are NOT licensed. A large amount of these dogs often do not receive proper vaccinations, may be flea and worm infested which is contagious to other animals and humans. Dogs, which have been chained, lack necessary socialization and thus territoriality ensues. These dogs, deprived of human interaction and attention, become aggressive in nature. Dogs are pack animals. In the wild, canines live, eat, and sleep with their family. In the absence of dogs, humans become their "pack." A chained dog feels rejected and doesn't understand why. The American SPCA released a report in September of last year stating that â