Unchain Ontario's Dogs

We, the undersigned, are writing this petition in protest of the lack of laws and regulations in the province of Ontario regarding "chained" or "tethered" dogs. Ontario does not have sufficient laws regulating or restricting the inhumane act of "chaining" or "tethering" outside dogs. Members of our province are unaware of the negative effects that this action has on our dog population. The act of "chaining" or "tethering" dogs causes major psychological damage to the dog. The owner unknowingly increases the possibility of their dog becoming a threat to society. A chained dog is at a higher risk of being attacked by another dog, and the chain makes the dog defenseless. The dog goes into fight or flight mode and without choice the dog must fight. When a dog is confined to a chain, they are forced to eat, sleep, urinate, and defecate in the same area, which goes against their natural instincts. If a person is not able to provide comfortable, proper shelter for their dog, then that person should not "own" a dog. If Ontario has a law that either bans or regulates the "chaining" or "tethering" of dogs, then our society will be a safer place, lowering the possibility of having a vicious dog running loose in our streets. Not to mention, Ontario can and will feel proud to know that their province is making an effort to be humane and is catching up to the 21st century in regards of animal welfare. Many stray dogs are often dogs that have broke free and roam the streets. A dog running loose is a safety hazard, especially if that loose dog has lived a very stressful, unsocial, and cruel life on a chain. A dog running lose can also impregnate a female chained dog adding to the overpopulation. The chained dog typically develops hostility and resentment toward anybody with whom they come in contact with. In addition, a chained dog may suffer harassment and teasing from humans. They suffer from insect bites and they are at high risk of contracting specific diseases. Very rarely do these dogs receive proper medical treatment. These dogs, simply put, live a life of torture and abuse. Please help us stop this abuse. Please make Ontario a province that recognizes dogs as valuable life. ***Ontario needs ENFORCEABLE BYLAWS that will mandate the quality of care of allow animal control to intervene when an animal is in distress because of neglect. These enforceable bylaws exist in many parts of the U.S. & Europe. Please help Ontario move forward with the rest of western society*** Please sign my petition in the hopes that someday, this particular abuse of our dogs will be eliminated in Ontario, and eventually, throughout the entire country. One step at a time, we can eliminate the abuse of our defenseless creatures. There needs to be better bylaws that are enforceable by animal control, humane societies, the S.P.C.A. and the provincial police. It needs to be defined across the board what is acceptable and what is not. Please visit www.unchainontariosdogs.org for more information. Sincerely, The Undersigned