Marcella Durr 0

Dogs Unchained in Bay County, Florida

58 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Marcella Durr 0 Comments
58 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Help end the tethering of dogs in Bay County

As residents of Bay County, we, the undersigned, support legislation banning the tethering of dogs in this county. To this end we seek our local officials to implement ordinances that:

A. No person shall, at any time, fasten, chain, or tie any dog or cause such dog to be fastened, chained or tied while such dog is on the dog owner’s property or on the property of the dog owner’s landlord; and/or

B. Any dogs confined within a fenced yard or pen must have an adequate space for exercise based on a dimension of at least 250 square feet and adequate shade and shelter from all types of weather. Provided, further that where dogs are kept or housed on property without a fenced yard, the owner or custodian of such dogs shall contain the dog at all times by means of a leash or hand and voice commands.

Animal behaviorists know that tethering can turn a nonviolent dog into an aggressive one. A 1994 study by the Center for Disease Control found that chained dogs are 2.8 times more likely to bite. Children have been injured or killed by going into a chained dog's area, or by a dog that has broken free from a chain. Additionally, tethering is cruel to dogs, rendering them easy targets for attacks by other animals and subject to extremes in weather, poisoning by humans, and illness from animal feces or bird droppings. For these reasons, we, the undersigned, respectfully request local governments in Bay County, Florida, institute anti-tethering provisions.


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