Unban Winkz and Bravious on Nostale UK

On May 20th, Winkz and Bravious were banned by Greeley for Bug Abuse. I wont go into details about the bug as I do not want people to knowingly use it. I must stress that we both know that the GM's do not make up these rules, they just enforce them.The actions made were completely wrong as we was never given any warning to show that the bug could potentially ban us. Also, we was sent a link to information referring to the bug - after the banning which is completely useless. Inside the link, the posts were atleast 2-3 years old which means that Nostale has had this time to fix the bug , but haven't. Why should us players get banned for coming across this bug, yet there has been no indication of bug fixture at all? its absurd. I speak for not just Winkz and Bravious but for anyone who has been in the same situation and say that this is not acceptable.
We both admit on using it (without knowing its a bug) , however we should be given a warning when encountering this bug that it can harm your account. Because we thought this was a legal way of earning money, we never looked for a forum page regarding it. Even if we did try to find it, the forum is filled with different threads and pages that it would be quite unlikely that we would come across it.
We believe that a permanent ban on accounts for this problem is unfair as this is easy to come across. We don't intend to beg Greeley for our accounts back, but we do intend to negotiate on a temporary ban since this is a more suitable solution for first-offenders.
If a GM does see this, please take this into consideration and I hope this will change the rules of banning people for bug abuse.