Unban RedLuv from Smite

To be delivered to Hirez TitanForge, and those it may concern
How many more streamers can you name that play and stream the game for 8-10 hours a day every day?
As a current PS4 player, I am asking that you reconsider the ban upon our friend and fellow PS4 player, RedLuv-1.
RedLuv-1 was just a joust main back in the days of Season 4, but in Season 5 he looked to soar into higher heights. He made it his goal to attain Masters in season 5. He started out grinding in the gold leagues and slowly worked his way up to a stable position in the Diamond division. He was stuck in Diamond until he found his inner MySweetPatato (PS4 Legend) towards the end of the season. He had his eye on the prize - he was going to get to Masters bfore the season was ended.
He started grinding games, playing Ao Kuang, Bakasura, Mercury, and Arachne. There were games where he single-handily carried against players who have been playing ranked conquest since season 3. That didn't deter him. He feared nobody. And then, it happened. The closer he got to Masters, the bigger his stream got. He went from 20-30 viewers to average 60-80 viewers on twitch and hitting 200+ subs (which at the time was the most by any Twitch streamer who streams on PS4). He was getting hosted by Zapman, Incon, among others, multiple times.
As he started to grow and outpace the other mediocre PS4 smite streamers, a sudden change happened. People realized that the gold 3 goblin was about to become the Masters player taking TP left and right. A certain select few players didn't like that and they wanted to keep him out of Masters, so a few known trolls who remain unbanned to this day started to troll him. They would continuously follow him around in game and troll his games, back to back to back. It was hard to watch and shows the lack of maturity in the PS4 community. RedLuv-1 provided 8-10 hours of watchable and enjoyable stream content every single day for everyone to watch. He didn't even end in Masters because of the trolls at the end of the season who deliberately followed him around in game and made him demote. Shortly after the trolling, he was banned and didn't even finish in Masters. This is a big enough punishment in it self.
The PS4 community that plays ranked is small - if this gets anywhere near 200 signatures from the ranked community (who should have the biggest input in the PS4 community since ranked players often are the ones who invest the most time and money into the game), we would hope that the majority of the PS4 ranked community's voice be heard and at least give him a last and final warning (possibly reset his account to level 1 as a punishment) and allow him to play the game that he loves to play, and be the guy we love to watch, without being trolled by people who hate to see the next guy coming up.
You guys punished the guy who is sitting there getting harassed in a video game without taking any action on the known trolls in the community. He's streaming your game and making people want to play and watch your game. He has put in and streamed over 1,000+ ranked games in season 5 alone only to be trolled by someone who played less than 70 ranked games.
He even has the current #1 team in the PS4 SCL qualifiers / challenger cup supporting him, their team name is #FreeRedLuv. With all of this support at the highest level of the console, we sincerely ask you to reconsider.
We, the ps4 community, ask that you reinstate RedLuv-1's access to PS4 smite and remove the IP ban so that we can watch and enjoy his content again.