Unable to access FUT 15 via Console or WebApp

We payed for the game (and some of us also for FIFA points). We are unhappy with customer service as of now.
We want EA to solve our FUT account problems!
The issues which people with their FUT15 accounts have are the following:
- Not being able to access FUT via console most of the times. Every once in a while you succeed geting in but shortly after you get kicked out again.
- Not being able to access FUT via WebApp. Usually you receive an error message saying the servers are down or that "there was an error and you need to refresh your browser and try again". Also a common error on the WebApp is the message saying "login unavailable. Sorry, there was an error logging into FUT web application. we were not able to verify you FUT 15 data. Please wait a while and try again by refreshing your browser. For help, please go to EA answers HQ".
- Most of us are able to access FUT via the mobile app, but can't search for players (get errors after trying to search)
Some of us are wrongfully banned, some of us are not banned. Some of us have a locked account. Our cases have been escalated by EA customer service.