UME Seminar Tutors

This petition is aimed at all first year students who are taking the Using Maths in Economics (UME) module.
As your first year student representatives, a prominent issue which we have come across has been regarding the quality of Using Maths in Economics seminar tutors.
We have noticed that complaints from students tend to be regarding:
- Language barriers and an over reliance on scripts, both of which make tutor-student communication quite difficult.
- A perceived insufficient knowledge of the course, making students feel that their queries are not being effectively clarified.
Please note however that this petition is not targeting any specific tutor, nor is it stating that there have been complaints about all UME seminar tutors. However, for the amount of times this issue has been raised, we feel it is our duty to try to resolve it.
Please share and sign this petition, leaving your name and university email, if you would like something to be done about this issue.
If you have any more to add please also feel free to contact us at
(Selina) smhp500@york.ac.uk or (Nadia) nhs505@york.ac.uk
Kind regards,
Your student representatives