A Call to Resistance in the New Mexico Annual Conference
To the Bishop, Provost, Lay Leader, & General Conference delegation of New Mexico Annual Conference:
We dream of a New Mexico Annual Conference, rooted in the Scriptures and the Wesleyan Tradition, emphasizing that:
- God’s love has no boundaries.
- God’s people do no harm.
- God’s table is open to all.
- God’s church invites all people into a full and whole relationship with God and with one another.
We believe that through the passage of the Traditional Plan, the United Methodist Church has placed boundaries on God’s love, done harm to our LGBTQ+ siblings and their loved ones, excluded persons from God’s table, and blocked people from God’s call to ministry and/or a healthy marriage relationship. In response, we hear Jesus’ call to repentance and recognize that our church has not done God’s will, has broken God’s law, has rebelled against God’s love, has not loved our neighbors, and has not heard the cry of the needy.
Furthermore we believe that, while the existence of disagreement is a challenge, it is also a sign of our shared love for our tradition, reverence for Scripture, and faithful commitment to our call to ministry. Just as Jesus sat down with Simon the Zealot and Matthew, a tax collector, we too can model love and shared faith in the midst of difference. We appeal to all persons to embrace the theological commitment that "homosexual persons no less than heterosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth.”
Therefore, we call upon the New Mexico Annual Conference to resist the implementation of the Traditional Plan in the following ways:
- We call for the establishment of a moratorium on trials related to issues of clergy conscience regarding LGBTQ+ inclusion. (1 John 4:16-21)
- We call on all persons to covenant not to file charges against clergy-persons who otherwise serve their congregations in good faith and act out of conscience in resisting the Traditional Plan. (James 2:8-13)
- We call for full ordination rights for all persons otherwise deemed fit for ministry. (Isaiah 6:7-8)
- We call for the conference to advocate for the rights of clergy to perform marriages for couples whom they deem fit. (Ruth 1:16-18)
- We call for the removal of the restrictive language in the Book of Discipline that labels homosexuality as being incompatible with Christian teaching. (Luke 4:17-19)