Help Protect Pets - Protect the Kids - Protect Our Towns
Anthony Pia 0

Help Protect Pets - Protect the Kids - Protect Our Towns

Anthony Pia 0 Comments
117 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Would you fire Ar15's, machine guns, and shot guns feet away from a pet shelter and a Home Depot on Rt22 in Union NJ? Knowing that if you make one mistake, 3 towns, 4 schools, thousands of homes, and or 4 churches could be hit? This is like you firing a machine gun in your yard and telling your neighbor, don't worry I wont miss the dirt pile and hit you, your kids or your pet!

Homes hit already in Woodbridge NJ with many other accidents and deaths at defective ranges. Gun range accidents happen frequently. There are many safe nuisance free gun ranges but this is not one.

This nuisance occurs 7 days a week anytime from 7:30am until 8pm. Why does Union Mayor Cavadas and her Committee allow this noise and safety nuisance to continue? Please ask them to stop this.

Many NRA approved ranges are built with safety and noise abatement features, Union's range is not one of them and is a safety danger and noise nuisance. The County Gene Mirabella Range in Springfield is a safe range. A brand new gun range on Rt22 at the old pet smart is a state of the art range. Unions range is ridiculous, NRA rules violated, NJ Police Training Commission rules violated. Police Unions should demand action to protect themselves and the community who support them.

Pets and People in our communities are suffering in schools, churches and our homes. The welfare and safety for the general public in Kenilworth, Cranford and Union are unfairly burdened by this nuisance.

You could be killed anywhere in Union, Kenilworth or Cranford by accidental gunfire. Inches separate the line between life and death at this range. The AR15's, machine guns and high powered weapons are overwhelming. We need this stopped.

We ask that Union enclose the range or relocate, to cease the noise and or safety nuisance.

Why do our children have to grow up listening to gunfire like a war zone or possibly be accidentally shot while at home or in school?

Union allows many others from far away to use the range here. For example, they allow Port Authority to send people from NY, so we can suffer this nuisance and dangers? Shooting up until 8pm on school nights? Port Authority is a billion dollar agency and they rely on a dangerous rinky dink range in Union?

We have filed a lawsuit seeking relief. Your support can help stop this. This nuisance will only get worse as Union allows more and more use the unsafe range. Your heatlh, safety, and or property value could all be at risk. Please help us demand Union to take remedial action. To abate this nuisance which effects many. Please help stop the pets and children from suffering. We are all entitled to peace, quiet and enjoyment of our homes, schools and towns.

We support the police. Union must still consider our health and welfare and we need your help.

God Bless You and God Bless America

Official donations accepted here:

Let Union Mayor and Committee know we need relief from this nuisance:

Mayor Suzette Cavadas email:

Committeeman Manual Figueiredo email:

Committeeman Clifton People Jr 908-964-4135

Committeewoman Michele Delisfort

Gun Range Accidents happen frequently. This nuisance is continuous.

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