UFCW Pharmacist Demands

To Ufcw Presidents locals 8GS, 135, 324, 770,1167,1428, 1442
We’re looking forward to our arranged zoom meeting this coming Sunday. We understand that you legally represent us as a group in this bargaining negotiation process with our employer. During our last zoom meeting many questions that our pharmacists had were left unanswered and demands unattended. In order to facilitate a more efficient and productive meeting, we collectively decided to present you with a list of demands that we expect you to present to the bargaining table and a series of questions that hopefully will help us better understand how and why the union has taken certain approach during such a critical bargaining process.
In the new contract we demand the following:
1-Proper staffing across the board. Enforcement of California Board of Pharmacy “No pharmacist left alone” regulation.
2-Removal of alternative work schedule.
3-Guarantee a minimum of 28 hours for part time pharmacists and 40 hours for full time pharmacists.
4-Fair wage increase to match current market inflation. A $4/hour year 2022, $3/hour year 2023 and $2/hour year 2024.
5-Creation of a reliable floater technician pool to assist in covering for technicians during sick calls and vacations.
6-Consideration for a company 401K match contribution of at least 3%
7-Consideration for rewarding employees with yearly grants of company stock options.
8. All hours including OT up to 40 hours count to pension benefits
9. Reverse the 2015 retiree off Food medical and return to “Drug” as previously done
Many of our colleagues have been in contact with each other and we would like you to address the following questions during our upcoming zoom meeting:
1-Why were our appointed team of colleague pharmacists denied access at the bargaining table during the last round of negotiations?
2-Why did you feel the need to bring a national rep to the negotiating table during the last round of negotiations? What was their role exactly?
3-Why didn’t you advance the will of your pharmacist members to call for an overwhelmingly approved ULP strike during the last round of negotiations, when you realized that the offer on the table didn’t come close to our original demands.
4-Why has the process been taking so long? It’s been 4-5 months and you know that the longer we wait the more leverage we lose. Please enlighten us with your explanation.
5- Why is there a need for a federal mediator before we even initiated a strike?
Thank you,
UFCW Pharmacist members locals 8gs, 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428, 1442