Cayden Mak 0

President Tripathi: Meet with the University Community!

25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Cayden Mak 0 Comments
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Dr. Tripathi: On Wednesday, Oct. 5, 400 students at UB walked out of classes and held a teach-in in the student union. This was part of a day of action across New York state and around the country. The proposal that was discussed and refined, based on Gerald Barnett's Public Pivot model, calls for temporary progressive salary cuts for the highest-paid administrators to bolster the university in the face of statewide budget cuts. I don't believe that tuition hikes are the only way to close the budget gap, nor are they the way to underwrite the ambitious building projects that the university is planning for the coming years. You may also have heard that students at the University at Albany were able to convince their President, George Philip, to come speak with them at an impromptu town hall style meeting where students were able to share their concerns and requests of the administration. Considering that President Philip was generous enough to take time out of his busy schedule to meet with students who are thinking critically about issues facing UAlbany and the SUNY system, I was wondering if you would be so good as to do the same. It isn't just the student government leaders, after all, who have ideas and concerns. I think that good leadership also means taking the time to hear what regular people have to say, even if it may not fall into line with what your visions or ideas for the university might be. Many students, with a broad range of views, would be excited at the opportunity to share their thoughts with you as well as ask you questions about issues that affect them. I eagerly await your response, and hope that we can schedule a town hall meeting with you and members of the student body and faculty in the coming month. A response, positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated, regardless of your decision. Sincerely, The Undersigned

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