Chad Macomber 0

Release a Super Deluxe Edition of U2’s POP

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Chad Macomber 0 Comments
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In 1995 U2 embarked on the ambitious journey of recording their 9th studio album which was released in 1997. During this time we saw U2 breaking through the boundaries of their creativity incorporating alternative rock, techno, dance, and electronica influences into their sound. Pop employed a variety of production techniques that were relatively new to U2, including sampling, loops, programmed drum machines, and sequencing. What they were left with was what The Edge described as "a compromise project by the end. It was a crazy period trying to mix everything and finish recording and having production meetings about the upcoming tour... If you can't mix something, it generally means there's something wrong with it..." Larry Mullen Jr said, "If we had two or three more months to work, we would have had a very different record. I would like someday to rework those songs and give them the attention and time that they deserve."

Fans of this album are a vocal group and we would love to hear the process and trajectory of Pop. We are asking that U2 give the proper care to this long neglected work of art and release a comprehensive retrospect of the demos, remixes, unreleased, and live tracks.

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