Allow the user to chose a theme on the TX forums
Dear TX community and other forum visitors, as you have noticed by now the theme on the TX forums has recently been changed, this obviously caused the forums to be completely different from before. Some people think it is better now, others think it is worse. This is why this petition has been started to change things to be better. __________________________________________________ First of all, let's start off by naming some reasons why this design is worse than any previously used theme on the TX forums. • It is too big. Unless you have a 2500 x 1600 resolution display, you can't read more than 1 or 2 posts at a time. It takes very long to scroll through the forums or even a single topic. • Many people have two or more windows opened at the same time, with the old theme, you could easily let the browser adjust to 50% of the screen (as Win7 or Win8 do automatically) and let you browse the entire forums. Now you have to navigate from left to right when doing so, actually, it forces you to browse in full screen. • The font being bold makes it a little bit more difficult to read and it takes too much space. • The TX icon in front of every topic is distracting, a text instead of a simple glowing icon always catches focus and is quite annoying when browsing the website. • The drop-down menu on the top takes way more time to navigate through than the direct links on top of the site (e.g. 'View new posts', 'View your posts' or the User Control Panel). • It was easier to recognize new PMs on the old forums. • A lot of information from the top of the site is gone, like the current date and time as well as the last login. • The icons and titles in general are too big. Also, the signatures and posts are too wide. When you look through the topic titles in a forum it takes quite long because you have less topics that fit on one screen than before. __________________________________________________ As mentioned before, a lot of people actually like this new theme. That's why the point of this petition is NOT to change it permanently. I rather found a solution that will make EVERY user happy. The forum administrators could enable the possibility to chose between several designs in the user settings. Then the default theme could be the new one, while everyone who liked the old one more can go to his profile and change it. This would take less than 15 seconds for a user, and less than a one or two minutes for an administrator to enable. No one would be forced to use a design that he doesnt like, that has disadvantages in his opinion. There wouldnt be ANY disadvantage. Not for the users, not for the administrators. Not for the forums. Not a single feature would disappear. This is why I ask you to sign this petition, even when you like the new design, let everyone else decide which one he wants to use. If you like it, NOTHING will change for you. Absolutely NOTHING. Thanks for your attention.