Tusten resident for the rational and obvious interpretation of Tusten Zoning Laws.

This old club house, was built in 1975 on 2 acres in a small subdivision for 3 and 4 bedroom single family houses on County Rt.25 in an R-1 district. It was used as a club house until 2008, because of structural problems it was abandoned in 2009. This property was sold by Sullivan County in 2011 which returns this property back to native use, which means NO grandfathered rights. Phil Geras put forth an application to add on to the club house and convert this to a commercial, high density 10 family dwelling on a 3 acre parcel in a R-1 district. We feel this application to convert this club house to 10 family units is far outside the legal allowances for a conforming 3 acre plot in an R-1 district and respectfully ask the Planning Board to send this project to the Zoning Board of Appeals for review of overall legality. This petition represents the support of the Tusten community that believes Philip Geras proposed commercial multi-family building project in an R-1 District requires extensive review on impact and legality.