Turn off the traffic light at Waldo Av and Manhattan College Parkway

Petition to turn off the new traffic light at 3875 and return to STOP signs.
The new traffic lights do nothing but increase noise, air pollution, vibration, and danger,
Noise-- As cars wait for the car in front of them to go, any delay frequently results in honking. Sometimes polite sometimes angry especially as they are sometimes illegally cut off. Always annoying. Many cars, trucks and motorcycles have inadequate mufflers which go right into our apartments, which when made to idle, then accelerate create 3 times the noise especially buses and trucks carrying heavy loads. Many also play loud music while waiting for the long light.
Air pollution—Idling vehicles give off increased CO2 and smoke and those accelerating from a dead stop give off much more than one that momentarily pauses at a stop sign.
Vibration—a large heavy truck accelerating up a hill from a dead stop will shake the buildings more than one passing by.
Danger—Everyone at some time will accelerate to 'beat the light' especially when it's yellow. Pedestrians at this corner, because of the light traffic flow most of the time, ignore the WALK/DON'T WALK signs. One day a car beating the light will hit a pedestrian. In the years when there was a STOP sign, and before with no sign, there has never been an accident to the recollection of the people who live here. A search of city records revealed none.
The people of 3875 Waldo Ave, which faces the light were not consulted on this major increase in congestion and noise. It brings down quality of life. We respectfully request that the lights be stopped. They are particularly useless at 2 am when a car comes by every 15 minutes or so. This light is a solution to a non-existent problem. However there's a least one elderly lady who doesn't hear the honking [doesn't live close enough] who likes the light. Perhaps for her and others like her, the walk buttons could be retained to stop cars and give right-of-way to the occasional pedestrian who needs it, with a yellow light for cars by default.
This unnecessary and disturbance-causing light is very unpopular here in Riverdale/Kingsbridge. Please bring back our beloved stop sign! Maybe we can get some peace here. Thank you very much.