Say no to Turf at Baileys Elementary School

We the undersigned do hereby express our strong objection to an All-Weather Turf field being installed at Bailey\'s Elementary school. Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross earmarked monies from the 2006 Park Bond referendum to install an $800,000 All-Weather turf soccer field at Bailey\'s Elementary School instead of at J.E.B. Stuart High School or J.E.B. Stuart Park, where it is more sorely needed and a much better use of taxpayer\'s money. Three surrounding neighborhood associations and the J.E.B. Stuart PTSA and Athletic Boosters have all sent Penny Gross letters expressing their concerns about this waste of money and asking her to please reconsider putting the field in at Stuart, where the ENTIRE community will be able to take better advantage of the field, it\'s lights, parking and security and would be a much better return on investment for our tax dollars. There was NO study or survey conducted with the surrounding neighborhoods to get their feedback or let them know what was being planned. The Park Authority approved this installation without any of this necessary feedback. Please sign this petition and send the link to others in your neighborhood, other taxpayers or families connected to your sports team so they can voice their opinions too.