TTR3: Currently Dead

Petition Main Goal: Add a Theme Switch and a Hyperspeed toggle.
Tapulous has recently made editing themes unfair because scores on these themes will not be submitted to the High Score Leaderboard. Now on songs like Peace Sells we have to use the unplayable theme and we're not allowed to adjust the speed. Even on the default theme, Used to a 1.2 timewindow? Too bad you'll have to revert to 1.7.
Tapulous says that they've held a petition for 2 days when TTR3 came out to add a theme switch or not and that the community preferred themes? Pathetic, Here's a full-blown petition. Lets see what your community thinks now tapulous
The community has been telling tapulous since December and here we are almost 3 months since december and tapulous still hasn't added the features "Theme Switch" and "Hyperspeed toggle". Now that we're not allowed to modify themes like we have in the past this is straight up unacceptable.
It's too late now tapulous, you have to add these features as soon as possible.
If enough people sign this petition, then tapulous will realize how much people really do care and will then HAVE to add these features ASAP! Let's aim for a 100 sigs!!
Usersubmitted ideas:
A switch for defaults (ON/OFF) where OFF would rely on the following settings.
A slider for a custom timewindow between say, 0.8 and 1.7 for Extreme tracks.
A switch to disable or enable the themed tracks. OFF would default to TTRDJ.
A slider to change the Y value of the 16x/weapons position between say, 200 and 450
A switch for Simple Hold Graphics, where OFF would revert to a 2.x style of hold.
-No 16x
-if 16x is to stay is must be in a higher location and immunity needs to go
-online needs to suck less
-more genres of music
-No weapons online
perfection system that is more noticeable than the current little lines
at the bottom of the targets (ttr2.5 had those perfect circles)
*Description frequently updated*