OPPOSITION TO BILL 2597: “American-Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Claims Act”

OPPOSITION TO BILL 2597: “American-Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Claims Act” While the American Hellenic Institute supports Congressional Bill No. 2597, its closer examination reveals it legitimizes the "unincorporated association" of the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" as an "agent" of Turkey instead of condemning it as a pseudo-state. The Bill equates the puppet Turkish administration of the occupied territories with a government. It guts the power of U.S. Courts to vindicate the rights of Greek Cypriots as it happened in the case of the Mosaics of Kanakaria (Autocephalous Church of Cyprus v. Goldberg) declaring the pseudo-state an "unrecognized government" when it claimed ownership over the artifacts. Presently, unrecognized regimes cannot resort to US courts, although they can be sued and have no immunity. However, if the Bill becomes law, the pseudo-state may become immune to lawsuits. It even mandates the US Government to negotiate and settle property claims of Greek Cypriots directly with the occupiers and the settlers from Turkey. Astonishingly, while the U.S. class action of Greek Cypriot refugees had caused "alarm" for its falsely reported legitimization of the pseudo-state, this Bill that legislates diplomatic relations between the pseudo-state and the U.S. has yet to raise an eyebrow from the government of Cyprus. In conclusion, the Bill does not protect the properties and the rights of Greek Cypriots. Should this bill become law, it can and will be overturned in court. The Bill is constitutionally overboard as it equates the puppet pseudo-state with a government. The Bill should have condemned the pseudo-state, holding Turkey accountable, giving Greek Cypriots fair compensation for 37 years of occupation, protecting their right to return to their ancestral lands, protecting their rights to resort to U.S courts individually and collectively and placing a time limit on when claims must be paid. Otherwise, American Cypriots with property in the occupied territories are facing the same unjust and egregious treatment some ill-advised Greek Cypriots faced, when they fell in the trap of the IPC, a Turkish Trojan Horse that steals property from Greek Cypriots, a necessary step in finally dividing Cyprus. For a link to the Tsimpedes Law Firm Press Release in its entirety see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7sNzkYY574 For a link to the full text of the Bill see http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-h2597/text Please provide you support by signing this petition that will be submitted to Congress to out an end to this Bill. If you agree with opposing the House Bill No. 2597 titled as American-Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Claims Act Please state your name, address and contact info including email