Teacher should NOT be aloud to be Homophobic!
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Teacher should NOT be aloud to be Homophobic!
There have been hundreds, nearing thousands of reported cases online of teacher being discriminative to students about sexuality and transgender issues, and as of yet these people are still aloud to work on school sites, sign this is you think teachers in training should have to sign an act promising that they shall never discriminate against anyone no matter there sexuality, disability or gender ect. It is against the law to discriminate against anyone. However some school let this slip or it is not reported, and this is why you should sigh this. It will make sure if any teacher does act out on there prejudgment on students they are doing so at the risk of losing there job and a life ban from teaching, or further punishments.
We need your support to make this happy no Join and get friends to Join to we need all the help we can get!
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