We are writing to you about the failure of TRW

Mr. Plant, We are writing to you about the failure of TRW in Reynosa, Mexico, to respond to the workers demands. TRW headquarters replied to inquiries from workers' supporters by indicating that TRW had an agreement with the CTM union to relocate workers to the other side of the city without any guarantees. But, what TRW headquarters in Michigan did not know was that the CTM union lawyer also lodged complaints against the TRW factory in Reynosa and represented some workers before the arbitration board (CAB), making the same complaints that the TRW workers' coalition had presented to the CAB. After the local TRW management was alerted to this, the lawyer for the CTM union told the workers that the CTM union would NOT continue to represent them in their case against TRW. The workers' coalition welcomed those workers who were abandoned by the CTM union lawyer. We urge you to negotiate with the workers' coalition, and to respect their seniority and rights. TRW should give every worker a relocation bonus and provide them child care and transportation, or pay them the severance payments that are owed to them by Mexican Labor Law. We hope that TRW will respect workers' rights at the Del Norte Industrial Park of Reynosa, and will provide them child care, transportation and a relocation bonus. If not, we will ask President Obama to investigate the practices and conduct of corporations such TRW and to hold them accountable. We will continue to educate consumers about TRW's failure to respect workers' rights. Respectfully,