This is to help trapper killsmany get the fair justice he deserves & protect everyone's 4th & 14th amend rights. He is a kind and caring man who travels around to do reenactments and spends his off time with his family being the proud grandpa to many. He is a honest man that has done his best to provide for his family and live a good life and now is being done dirty and faces life in prison due to false charges against him from a Alaska state trooper and accusations from his former daughter and s-n-l. All he wants is his freedom so he can then get rid of his Alaskan stuff and move on to continue with his good honest life.
We are in need of a good civil rights lawyer who can help out with this. We have more than enough evidence & proof, etc to win this easy. Just need help being heard.
Some folks have said they thought to sign you have to send money. You don't need to send any money to sign. Just quit at that part. If you do want to give some, it goes to facebook to keep these petitions going. It does not go to us. We are not interested in making money. Just to have a chance to have this case heard & protect everyone's rights.
Petition for Trapper Killsmany:
This petition is to protect everyone's 4th & 14th amendment rights first & to the State of Alaska to hear evidence to expunge & totally clear Trapper Killsmanys’s record & good name & make restitution for the harassment & false arrests & false imprisonments & compensation for injuries & the pain & suffering & financial losses himself & family have had because of sanctioned illegal activities of greedy children & Alaska State Troopers & officers of the court (judges & D.A.s) & lawyer a (retired D.A.). Some statements about this case can be seen at Truth for Trapper Killsmany site. We have all evidence in emails, courtroom statements, photos, audios (even though some were altered) & credible eyewitnesses & statements, also by statements to Trapper’s good character here & on other sites. Please send this out & spread the word & make this viral as this is an attack on all honest citizens civil rights & can’t be allowed to go on. Anyone could be next. This should be of particular interest to all honest cops & Judges as this makes them all look bad if not addressed soon. Thank You all in this fight to preserve all of our freedoms that so many died for so we can all live free from such abuse of power. This is a slap in the face to all our veterans out there too who risked all to preserve these rights & the many who did pay with their lives. Trapper broke no laws or did anything illegal. Please after signing this feel free to make comments & let your voice be heard too.
Duty of Courts: (What happened to the oath to protect the constitution & bill of rights?)
“It may be that it is the obnoxious thing in its mildest and least repulsive form; but illegitimate and unconstitutional practices get their first footing in that way, namely, by silent approaches and slight deviations from legal modes of procedure. This can only be obviated by adhering to the rule that constitutional provisions for the security of person and property should be liberally construed. A close and literal construction deprives them of half their efficacy, and leads to gradual depreciation of the right, as if it consisted more in sound than in substance, It is the duty of courts to be watchful of the constitutional rights of the citizen, and against any stealthy encroachments there on”
(Everything done to me was illegal & the courts went along with it, by denying me the right to speak or show evidence (because they knew I had broken no laws). All just to save face of crooked Alaska State Troopers.) Tehan v U.S. ex rel. Shott, 382 U.S. 406, 416 [Right of individual to be let alone, 4th amd.]
Alaska R.App.P. 23(c)(1) allows the filing of a petition for review when an order affects a substantial right which “in effect terminates the proceeding or action and prevents a final judgment therein…
Alaska R.App. P. 23 (d) permits the filing of a petition for review when a controlling question of law is involved.
Please help spread this. We need signatures to get justice:
This site has alot of info. The "Aug 8th incident Has what happened on the final day. I posted statutes & laws proving I broke no laws, but they did.They say they can violate our constitutional rights at will & we are powerless to stop them. I don't agree!