Trinity Students Seek Bloomberg Facilities

In short we, the students of Trinity Seek access to Bloomberg Facilities for the following reasons, below these bullet points please see a more in depth analysis of how various stakeholders stand to gain from access to Bloomberg terminals;
1) A single Bloomberg terminal to service applied finance, investment analysis, masters in finance and MBA modules/courses is insufficient. In addition, all of these courses involve projects who’s quality would be significantly enhanced by access to Bloomberg analytics
2) Relative to other college overheads the costs are minimal
3) Possession of Bloomberg terminals allows students to complete certificates in fixed income, commodities and equities Bloomberg use proficiency – greatly improving employability in asset management and sales and trading roles.
4) Ability to use and understand Bloomberg is a key core skill for any trading, brokering or capital markets position
5) Overall improvement of TCD facilities and
educational experience
When we look to our peers and aspirational peers at home and abroad we fall short in terms of financial facilities, specifically I am referring to UCD, LSE, Oxford etc.
Bloomberg would have a significant value add to all undergrads taking finance related courses, specifically those completing projects in investment analysis and applied finance in their junior sophister year and those taking the financial markets and the corporate sector module in their senior sophister year.
Additionally, I am sure that those reading a masters in Finance or those taking the MBA would benefit hugely from access to Bloomberg.
The final argument in terms of benefits to interested stakeholders revolves around the Trinity Student Managed Fund and, by proxy, Trinity itself. By now I am sure you are aware of what the Fund is and what it aims to achieve - therefore you should understand the benefit such afacilitywould bestow upon it. Though only in its 5th year the SMF has grown to a membership base of over 300 students of all disciplines and its alumni have placed in Morgan Stanley, J.P Morgan, McKinsey, BlackRock, Deloitte and many more prestigious employers. This is a testament to the work the TSMF undertakes and has a significant positive effect on thecollege's international brand equity and reputation among the most competitive employers.
As I understand it thecollegecurrently has one machine which is restricted to MSc students. According to my research Bloomberg will allocate 12 licences and accompanying hardware for the price of three. Surely thecollegecan budget for two more licenses?